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“87% of small businesses have indicated that cash management and cash flow were ‘extremely important.” -Visa SCORE study.

Zito Consultants works in a variety of ways to increase cash flow and streamline business operations. Often this is achieved through sustainable practices that enable you to receive tax and energy credits and incentives. Likewise, well-matched community partnerships create pathways for additional revenue streams.

Here are examples of how we can assess and improve an organization’s Core Business Operations, Products and Services, all within the framework of a purpose-driven profitable business model.


Supply Chain Partners – Zito Consulting works with you, your employees, and your community-based colleagues to ensure a streamlined and optimal outcome

  • Conduct Product and Service Quality Cost Comparison
  • Assess areas of improvement – achieved by addressing Cost to End Usage: Supply Partners Information Flow, Inventory Technology Controls, Forecasting Capabilities and Finance Options
  • Strategize options: Produce a Seamless Flow of Product and well-matched Services for Optimal Business Performance
  • Share Integrated Findings in a Report to Owner/Management for follow-up meetings with supply chain partners
  • Achieve Cost Effective Management Practices
  • Realize Savings, Credits / Business Appreciation Incentives

Here is an example of what happened when Zito Consulting increased Cash Flow and streamlined Business Operation Practices through Supply Chain Management Optimization.

The Results:

  • $40,000. Yearly savings
  • $5,000 Business Appreciation Incentive from Distributor = Applied to End User in Collaborative Customer Appreciation Event Achieving an Innovative Practice Benefiting all Supply Chain Partners
  • $2,000. Loyalty Credit

Bottom Line: Expand Payment Plan Options and Enhance Forecasting Capabilities

Even the best of circumstances Warrant Price and Practice Comparisons for savings. Doing so reveals Options and Opportunities for realizing savings, identifying incentives and even credits.

Your business can benefit from Zito Consulting’s Strategic Priorities that result in Cash Flow Flexibilities as well as overall financial growth.

Wise [individuals] make more opportunities than they find. ~ Francis Bacon

We help our clients surpass Net Profit Margins through Principled Actions

We work together to set Strategic Priorities for Cash Flow Sustainable Practices Creating Achievable Goals:

  • Increase account receivables (10 days, on average)
  • Expansion of funding and payment plan options
  • Implement performance cost, customer satisfaction measurements
  • Integrate priorities & social cause to create powerful brand and market awareness
  • Streamline Operations, Realize Savings, Apply for Energy and Tax Credits and Incentives Eligibility, Integrate an Environmental Consciousness Practice on a Natural Pathway Founded in Priorities to Create a Gateway for Growth

We can either create a roadmap with pathways for your team to execute or Zito Consultants can manage the process to completion. We remain with you for a pre-determined amount of time and in the role we agree upon as your strategic goals are realized. A realistic timeline (with flexibility) is established with a set of priorities and strategies designed to advance your business to your satisfaction.

Receiving and collecting payments is the most challenging step in the cash management process.” ~ VISA/SCORE survey.

This is how we begin:

  • Schedule a time to discuss your goals
  • Discuss where you are and where you want to be
  • Develop a roadmap with pathways clearly stating the project(s) and strategic plans

There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning. ~Louis L’Amour