The Village of Pawling and Pawling Town Boards along with Community Members understand that electronic waste contains toxic components that can be both an environmental and health concern when not managed properly.
Community members met to discuss how best to approach a shared plan in support of public health and fiscal responsibility. This discussion created awareness for an ‘Environmental Care Plan.’
Together, we developed an educational brochure on the dangers of mis-management of electronic waste. It proved to be an effective communication and energized resident participation in the free-of-charge event to rid homes of obsolete electronic waste.
Further, it was agreed that our Town Boards would share a flat (cost-effective) fee to cover the costs associated with the hauling, processing, and other related costs.
This shared action created community-wide discussions at our local coffee shops and dining tables-which in turn brought together a group of volunteers to implement the initiative. Community members in concert with Town Board members created a successful event!
There was an overwhelming request from participants to repeat and expand the event.
Together, we created a cost-effective plan for managing electronic waste. Most of the material collected was sent for reuse and recovery with very little requiring eventual disposal. An example of precision in policy and procedure.
Zito Consultants is ready to work together in community-based partnership to identify the added benefits associated with events like this, such as creating educational and awareness opportunities, and gathering the support of residents, business owners and local government officials to share the costs associated with the event planning and materials management process. Just one example of how your community can benefit from a set of shared values.